GET Beef Cut Recipes
Calls to this endpoint will return a recipes that used by a given beef cut. If the given beef cut is part of a group of similar beef cuts, recipes will also be returned for each beef cut in each group that the given beef cut belongs to.
The base URI for Get beef cut recipes is:
GET /api/v2/beefcut/{id}/recipes
Get Beef Cut Recipes Parameters
Try This Endpoint on SwaggerName | Required | Parameter Type | Data Type |
id | path | integer | |
Unique beef cut ingredient ID | |||
AuthorizationAppID | (optional) | query | string |
This value must be present in either the http header or in the query string. If you supply an incorrect value or do not supply a value in the header or query string, then you will receive a http 401 error. (Please see Authentication section) | |||
AuthorizationAppKey | (optional) | query | string |
This value must be present in either the http header or in the query string. If you supply an incorrect value or do not supply a value in the header or query string, then you will receive a http 401 error. (Please see Authentication section) |
What it Returns
Requests to the Get Beef cut Recipes will return the following data:
Name & Description | Type |
BeefAPIIngredientRecipeListing object
A container that holds the recipe information and recipes by groups information for the given beef cut.-
recipeListing array
A list of recipe summary objects that the given beef cut is directly found in.-
recipeID int
Unique identifier of the recipe -
recipeName string
Name of the recipe -
recipeNameSlug string
URL-friendly slugged name of the recipe -
isOnline boolean
Defines the un/published status of the recipe -
lastModified datetime
Date & time the object was last updated -
recipeMeta string
Meta description of the recipe -
recipeDescription string
Description of the recipe -
audience object
Contains information about the intended recipe audience-
audienceName string
Name of the intended recipe audience -
audienceNameSlug string
URL-friendly name of the intended recipe audience
audienceName string
numberOfServings string
Number of servings yielded by the recipe -
maxNumberOfServingsInt int
Integer value of the maximum number of servings -
totalRecipeTime string
Text value of the total time it takes to make the recipe. -
maxTotalRecipeTimeMinutes int
Integer value of the maximum total time it takes to make the recipe. -
servingSize string
Text value of the suggested serving size for a recipe. -
prepTime string
Text value of the recipe preparation time. -
maxPrepTimeMinutes int
Integer value of the maximum recipe preparation time. -
cookTime string
Text value of the recipe cook time. -
maxCookTimeMinutes int
Integer value of the maximum recipe cook time. -
isSpanishRecipe boolean
Defines whether the recipe text is in Spanish -
showcaseNutrients array
A list of nutrients from this recipe's primary nutritional that we suggest to highlight-
usdaNutrient object
The USDA nutrient object for the given nutrient. Object values found in this array will be an exact match to what can be found in the master list of usdaNutrients in the common endpoint (/api/v2/common/lookups)-
usdaNutrientGroup string
The food group of the nutrient -
nutrientDisplayName string
The display name of the nutrient -
nutrientDisplayNameSlug string
URL-friendly slugged name of the nutrient
usdaNutrientGroup string
unitOfMeasureValue decimal
The calculated unit of measure for the given nutrient -
unitOfMeasure string
The unit of measure for the given nutrient -
dailyValueCalculation decimal
The calculated daily value for this nutrient -
sortOrder int
The preferred sort order for display of this nutrient -
isGoodSource boolean
If the unitOfMeasureValue meets that USDA requirements for a "good" source of the given nutrient, this field will be true, else it will be false -
isExcellentSource boolean
If the unitOfMeasureValue meets that USDA requirements for an "excellent" source of the given nutrient, this field will be true, else it will be false
usdaNutrient object
media array
A list of media objects containing information about media assigned to this recipe.-
widenURL string
This is the base part of the URL that is needed to build the embed link -
widenUID string
This is the customer userid part of the URL that is needed to build the embed link -
externalID string
This is the unique identifier of the media item -
filename string
This is the filename of the media item -
title string
This is the title of the media item -
caption string
This is the caption used for the media item -
mediaGroup array
Media will always be returned grouped and sorted. Use this grouping to help manage any groupings that may be suggested from the BeefAPI. Object values found in this array will be an exact match to what can be found in the master list of mediaGroups in the common endpoint (/api/v2/common/lookups)-
mediaGroupName string
Name of the media group -
mediaGroupNameSlug string
URL-friendly slugged name of the media group -
objectType array
The type object this media group pertains to. Object values found in this array will be an exact match to what can be found in the master list of objectTypes in the common endpoint (/api/v2/common/lookups)-
objectTypeName string
The name of the object type -
objectTypeNameSlug string
URL-friendly name of the object type
objectTypeName string
mediaType string
The type of media returned -
sortOrder int
The suggested sort order to be used for this media item -
links array
A list HATEOAS for this media item that is a link to view the media in its original size.-
rel string
The rel attribute specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document. -
href string
URI of the beefapi call to get more information for this links' context. -
title string
Title of the link.
rel string
mediaGroupName string
widenURL string
links array
A list of HATEOAS in relation to this recipe. Typically if this recipe is online, you will be provided with a link to the endpoint to get the full recipe details.-
rel string
The rel attribute specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document. -
href string
URI of the beefapi call to get more information for this links' context. -
title string
Title of the link.
rel string
recipeID int
recipesListingByIngredientGroup array
A list of ingredient groups that this beef cut may belong to. Ingredient groups are used to manage ingredients that are considered synonyms. When retrieving a list of recipes, typically all the recipes will be returned for all the ingredients in a group. An example group would be "Ground Beef", and it would include all the beef cuts ("83% Ground Beef, 95% Ground Beef, etc."). Object values found in this array will be an exact match to what can be found in the master list of ingredientGroups in the common endpoint (/api/v2/common/lookups).-
ingredientGroupName string
Name of the ingredient group -
ingredientGroupNameSlug string
URL-friendly slugged name of the ingredient group -
groupIngredients array
A list of all the beef cuts that are found in the current ingredient group-
ingredientID int
UThe beef cut ingredient ID. -
ingredientName string
The name of this beef cut. -
ingredientNameSlug string
URL-friendly slugged name of this beef cut. -
isOnline boolean
Marker to denote if this beef cut is available on the Beef API. -
links array
A list of HATEOAS in relation to this beef cut. Typically if this beef cut is online, you will be provided with a link to the endpoint to get the full beef cut details. You will also be provided a link to get all the recipes that use this beef cut.-
rel string
The rel attribute specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document -
href string
URI of the beefapi call to get more information for this links' context -
title string
Title of the link
rel string
recipeList array
A list of recipes for the given beef cut in the current ingredient group ingredient.-
recipeID int
Unique identifier of the recipe -
recipeName string
Name of the recipe -
recipeNameSlug string
URL-friendly slugged name of the recipe -
isOnline boolean
Defines the un/published status of the recipe -
recipeMeta string
Meta description of the recipe -
recipeDescription string
Description of the recipe -
recipeType object
Contains information about the recipe type.-
recipeTypeName string
Name of the recipe type. -
recipeTypeNameSlug string
URL-friendly name of the recipe type.
recipeTypeName string
numberOfServings string
Number of servings yielded by the recipe -
maxNumberOfServingsInt int
Integer value of the maximum number of servings -
totalRecipeTime string
Text value of the total recipe preparation time -
maxTotalRecipeTimeMinutes int
Integer value of the maximum recipe preparation time -
isSpanishRecipe boolean
Defines whether the recipe text is in Spanish -
showcaseNutrients array
A list of nutrients from this recipe's primary nutritional that we suggest to highlight-
usdaNutrient object
The USDA nutrient object for the given nutrient. Object values found in this array will be an exact match to what can be found in the master list of usdaNutrients in the common endpoint (/api/v2/common/lookups)-
usdaNutrientGroup string
The food group of the nutrient -
nutrientDisplayName string
The display name of the nutrient -
nutrientDisplayNameSlug string
URL-friendly slugged name of the nutrient
usdaNutrientGroup string
unitOfMeasureValue decimal
The calculated unit of measure for the given nutrient -
unitOfMeasure string
The unit of measure for the given nutrient -
dailyValueCalculation decimal
The calculated daily value for this nutrient -
sortOrder int
The preferred sort order for display of this nutrient -
isGoodSource boolean
If the unitOfMeasureValue meets that USDA requirements for a "good" source of the given nutrient, this field will be true, else it will be false -
isExcellentSource boolean
If the unitOfMeasureValue meets that USDA requirements for an "excellent" source of the given nutrient, this field will be true, else it will be false
usdaNutrient object
media array
A list of media objects containing information about media assigned to this recipe.-
widenURL string
This is the base part of the URL that is needed to build the embed link -
widenUID string
This is the customer userid part of the URL that is needed to build the embed link -
externalID string
This is the unique identifier of the media item -
filename string
This is the filename of the media item -
title string
This is the title of the media item -
caption string
This is the caption used for the media item -
mediaGroup array
Media will always be returned grouped and sorted. Use this grouping to help manage any groupings that may be suggested from the BeefAPI. Object values found in this array will be an exact match to what can be found in the master list of mediaGroups in the common endpoint (/api/v2/common/lookups)-
mediaGroupName string
Name of the media group -
mediaGroupNameSlug string
URL-friendly slugged name of the media group -
objectType array
The type object this media group pertains to. Object values found in this array will be an exact match to what can be found in the master list of objectTypes in the common endpoint (/api/v2/common/lookups)-
objectTypeName string
The name of the object type -
objectTypeNameSlug string
URL-friendly name of the object type
objectTypeName string
mediaType string
The type of media returned -
sortOrder int
The suggested sort order to be used for this media item -
links array
A list HATEOAS for this media item that is a link to view the media in its original size.-
rel string
The rel attribute specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document. -
href string
URI of the beefapi call to get more information for this links' context. -
title string
Title of the link.
rel string
mediaGroupName string
widenURL string
links array
A list of HATEOAS in relation to this recipe. Typically if this recipe is online, you will be provided with a link to the endpoint to get the full recipe details.-
rel string
The rel attribute specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document. -
href string
URI of the beefapi call to get more information for this links' context. -
title string
Title of the link.
rel string
recipeID int
ingredientID int
ingredientGroupName string
recipeListing array